
Sunday, May 19, 2013

I have not blogged in what seems like forever!  But it's simply because I have some news I have been wanting to share but have been waiting (wish I could say patiently) on the finalization.  

John and I are moving to Cleveland!!  We are so excited for this next step in our lives.  For those of you  who know, since John and I have been married are jobs have pulled us in separate directions.  For 6 months he lived in Florida, and for the past year has been in Cleveland during the week and home on the weekends!

I had been struggling with the idea of applying for a job down there.  I have one more year to fulfill my commitment to MS and was simply scared of this idea of moving.  I'm from DeSoto County and went to school here, our family is here, this is what I know.  But the Lord really put it on my heart to stop being selfish and take a leap of faith.  Can I be honest with you, this is probably the first "big" leap of faith I have taken.  I knew I needed to be with John and that was it!!!  So I jumped!  SCAREY!!  I applied for the jobs I was able too, got my recommendations together and tweeked the resume!  I said from the beginning Lord, this is in Your hands!  

Two weeks into the process, I received a phone call from the principal at Cypress Parks Elementary and then Pearman.  My principal gave me a Friday off, and I was Cleveland bound with the hopes of getting a job.  The first interview was with Pearman and that afternoon was the interview with Cypress Parks.  Walking into that second interview I was so nervous!  I kept saying over and over again, Lord, I leave it in Your hands! It's all in Your hands!  This was the only thing keeping me calm.  As I waited for the interview to begin, I looked around her office!  Everywhere there was scripture and crosses and angels.  I slowly began to calm down.  As she was getting ready to walk in her office, I looked down and on the edge of her desk was a ceramic bible with the words, "The Lord's hands are what hold you!" I was almost in tears.  There it was, just as clear as could be.  I felt the Lord saying, Amber, I've got it!  Trust me!  The interview could not of gone better.  It turned into a conversation about our faith and how trusting in the Lord and having faith can be such a positive influence in your teaching.  We talked about how teaching was our mission work and that it was up to us to make an impact with the students.  She then introduced to me to her staff and showed me around.  It felt so right.  As we were leaving, she told me she would know by Tuesday and would let me know!  I left the school, got home, and within 30 minutes received a phone call being offered the 4th grade Math and Science position.  I was so thrilled, but part of me held back the excitement.  It would not be official til the board approved the position a week and a half later.  Can I just say that was a long time!  But I told myself, the Lord is holding you.  He has a plan for you!  John and I were so close to finally being able to do what married couples do!  Live in the same house in the same town!!!
Well time went on and I hadn't heard anything.  I knew the Lord was simply making me practice that virtue of patience that I am NOT good at.  I tried so hard not to stress and worry but it was hard.  I could not resign here in Hernando until I for sure had a job in Cleveland.  We could not start looking for a place to live until I for sure had a job there!  After talking to my family and friends I knew I had to simply let His plan unfold.  Saturday, as I was getting the mail I saw a letter from the Cleveland School District School Board.  There it was, my approval letter!  I am now and employee of the Cleveland School District!!

I cannot tell you how happy I am!  This next year is going to be such an adventure!  The Lord continually shows me His faithfulness, even when I struggled in letting Him have it!